Glass Installations
3 pieces installed in the windows of the The Yorktowne Hotel, 48 E Market Street in downtown York.

Glass Installations
3 pieces installed in the windows of the The Yorktowne Hotel, 48 E Market Street in downtown York.

Breslau Farms Autumn
Oil on linen. 30” x 48”
Collection Breslau Farms PA

Breslau Farms Winter
Oil on linen . 30” x 48”
Collection Breslau Farms PA

Breslau Farms Spring
Oil on linen . 30” x 48”
Collection Breslau Farms

Breslau Farms Summer
Oil on linen . 30’” x 48”
Collection Breslau Farms

Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve, Ecuador
Oil on canvas. 30” x 60”

Yellowstone Falls
Oil on canvas. 40” x 54”
Collection of Craig & Sue Souser

Changing Skies

Lake Meade Sailing
Oil on canvas. 48" x 30"

Colorado Spring
Oil on canvas. 60" x 36"

Family Farm
Oil on canvas. 24" x 48"

Stonewall Links 4th Hole
Oil on canvas. 38" x 48"
Collection of Marc and Riva Kahn

Pooh Corner Mural

Pooh Corner Mural

Pooh Corner Mural

Painted Kitchen

Painted Kitchen

Painted Kitchen

Prospect Hill Cemetery Mausoleum

Sculpture Grotto